
How To Change Gif Speed In Photoshop

Dealing with GIFs may seem daunting at first considering they aren't static like the images yous unremarkably edit. When I commencement had to piece of work with a GIF I was amazed past how easy it was to edit it in Photoshop. When it comes to GIFs, a good skill to accept is knowing how to change GIF speed in Photoshop.

To change the speed of a GIF in Photoshop, first, open up your GIF file, then become to Window > Timeline. In the Timeline panel, click the kickoff frame, hold Shift, so click the last frame to select the whole GIF. Now click the frame delay setting and choose a new fourth dimension to speed up or slow down your GIF.

A GIF (Graphics Interchange Format) is an animated image made from various layers. When the layers are placed together they create a moving epitome. You can edit a GIF to go far longer by slowing down the speed (frame rate) of the layer change or speed it up by shortening the gaps between the layer changes.

Editing a GIF in Photoshop is simple and here is all you need to know about changing GIF speed.

How To Open A GIF In Photoshop

Opening a GIF in Photoshop is as easy as opening a normal image, yet, the GIF will appear in layers rather than as 1 image. Once your GIF is opened in Photoshop, y'all will be able to edit the individual layers, the sequence of the layers, and the speed at which the layers change.

To open a GIF, go to File > Open or press Control + O (Win) or Command + O (Mac).

Once Windows Explorer or the Finder app opens, detect the GIF file y'all want to open up on your figurer.

If yous tin can't find the file in the right location, make sure the file blazon is gear up to All Formats at the bottom of the window.

At present that the GIF file is visible, select it and click on Open.

When the file opens in Photoshop, the Layers panel will prove the various layers that were used to create the GIF.

If the GIF opens as one layer, you may have selected the wrong file. Make sure the file format says GIF before you open up the file.

To view the frames of the GIF, which is where yous will edit the speed of the GIF, open the Timeline by navigating to Window > Timeline. A checkmark indicates that the window is open.

Once the window is selected, a new panel volition appear at the bottom of your workspace. This panel will prove the frames that appear in the GIF, based on the layers you run across in the Layers panel.

How To Speed Upwardly Or Dull Down A GIF In Photoshop

Once the GIF file is open in Photoshop, y'all tin can edit the layers and the frames including the speed at which the frames change. This will create a longer or shorter sequence for your GIF.

You can modify the speed of individual frames which gives you the flexibility to take the frames modify at unlike speeds. You can also alter the frame charge per unit of all the frames in one get, which is quicker if your aim is to change the frames to the same speed.

Currently, each frame is set to announced for 0.two seconds before irresolute to the side by side frame.

To see how fast or slow the GIF moves, press the Play icon in the Timeline panel. This will play the GIF in your workspace.

How To Modify The Speed Of Every Frame

If you are aiming to increase or decrease the speed of a GIF while keeping the delay (or frame rate) between frames at the same speed, you can alter them all at once.

To speed upward the GIF you need to decrease the time delay (or frame rate) between the frames. To change the frame charge per unit in majority, concord in Shift while clicking on each frame to select them all. The frames will exist highlighted to show that they are all selected.

Next, click on the arrow side by side to the time in the get-go frame and select a faster fourth dimension, which in this instance volition be 0.1 seconds.

All the frames will now evidence the new time delay which has been set at 0.1 seconds.

You lot volition observe the time between each frame is shorter, which causes the speed of the GIF to increment.

To slow downwardly a GIF, you lot will need to increase the amount of time that each frame is shown. This volition crusade the GIF to move slower than the original.

To do this you will need to increment the time delay (or framerate) betwixt the frames. Increase the time delay past holding in Shift and selecting each frame earlier setting the time filibuster at a longer time, such every bit 0.5 seconds.

Once the time delay has been selected it will change the time on all the frames, this will crusade the GIF speed to be slower than before.

How To Change The Speed Of Single Frames

Y'all can too modify the delay betwixt each frame individually. This is helpful if you want the frames to change at different rates. To individually change the frame rate, make sure that only the offset frame is selected, then select the arrow next to the time and choose a faster time.

In one case you select 0.1 seconds, the first frame will indicate this time, even so, the remainder of the frames are still prepare at 0.2 seconds. This will only shorten the time that the get-go frame is visible without affecting the rest of the frames.

Select the pointer next to the times on the balance of the frames and modify them to the time delay yous want.

Once the times have been inverse on all of the frames, press the Play icon to test the speed of the GIF.

You tin also modify each frame charge per unit to ho-hum down the GIF with the frames set to different time delays. To do this, select the arrow adjacent to the fourth dimension in the outset frame and choose a longer delay, such as 0.5 seconds.

Increase the time filibuster for the remainder of the frames at the rates you would like to slow the entire GIF down. Then press the Play icon to come across the new consequence.

How To Export Your GIF From Photoshop

One time you are happy with the time delays of your frames, you need to export the file into a GIF format. If you but salvage the project equally a PNG or jpeg, the image will not motion similar a GIF.

To export your GIF, navigate to File > Consign > Salvage for Web (Legacy). You can also printing Control + Shift + Alt + S (Win) or Command + Shift + Option + S (Mac).

This will open up the Relieve for Spider web window which allows you to save your project every bit a GIF and ready the parameters of the GIF.

In the Save for Web window, select the drop-down carte du jour side by side to Preset to set the format to GIF. You will notice at that place are dissimilar options bachelor for GIF file formats. These include Dithered and No Dither every bit well as different color ranges, indicated past the numbers.

The numbers next to the GIF options indicate how many colors volition be included in the GIF.

Choosing a low number will subtract the file size of the GIF, but will also limit the number of colors in the GIF. This will grey certain parts of the prototype, such as the orange at the bottom of the skateboard and the blue areas if there are not enough colors.

A higher number of colors will increment the file size only the GIF will have more vibrant colors. The colors included in the GIF volition also be shown in the colour table.

To increase the colors to 256, which is the maximum for GIF images, click on the Colors slider and select 256. This will include a wider range of colors in your GIF.

When choosing the type of GIF, you will also accept the option between dithered and no dither. This will affect the quality of your GIF. These dithering options are bachelor due to the limited color palette for GIF files.

The dithered selection improves the quality of the GIF by using two available colors from the colour palette to create a shade of a 3rd color by grouping the available colors close together or in certain patterns. This effect creates a higher-quality GIF that appears more than natural.

You lot tin can also change the amount of dithering in the GIF, by moving the dither slider to the right to increase it or to the left to decrease it.

The no dither option will fill in the missing colors with the closest available color from the color palette. This may create a GIF that looks low-quality compared to the dithered GIF. Setting the option to no dither volition reduce the file size of the GIF, making information technology easier to use on websites and digital platforms.

Whether you lot choose to employ the dithered or no dither pick volition depend on how important the quality of the paradigm is as well as how small the file size should exist. Virtually GIFs take a depression-quality look to them and this is due to the nature of the GIF.

The concluding GIF format you tin choose is GIF Restrictive. This selection removes dithering from the GIF and applies a web-safe color palette to the file. You will notice that the colors in the GIF are more than vibrant, although the quality has dropped to a indicate where the GIF looks almost blithe.

Once y'all have chosen the GIF settings you lot demand, press Relieve at the lesser of the window. Your Explorer or Finder volition open up and you tin choose the right folder to save the new GIF in. The GIF volition now be saved on your reckoner.

And then once y'all have the frame rate of your GIF figured out, there are many exporting options depending on how you want the last upshot to wait! With the help of the timeline console, editing a GIF in Photoshop is quite straightforward, and changing the speed of your GIFs tin can be done in seconds.

Happy Editing!


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